2015 has not been a very good year as far as menstrual cycles are concerned for me. My last 2 cycles were really crazy. My cycle starting January 30th was the first annovulary cycle I have had since I have been keeping track.
I ended up having spotting for 6 days before AF started. One the 7th day I did a fertility steam using basil and that finally got it to start. After that cycle I decided I might as well try Soy Isoflavones. I had been thinking about trying it for quite a while but did not want to mess up my cycle. That cycle ended up being crazy too.
That cycle was only 21 days long and the only time I got a positive opk was while I was taking the Soy Isoflavones. I ended up having quite a bit of ovary pain that cycle.
Near the end of that cycle I was really upset and depressed. It didn't help that, that was the cycle that would mark 5 years of trying. I basically cried all day. The next day I felt a sense of peace and decided that it was time to stop trying. I was going to give it up to God. I made a pledge that I was not going to bring up kids or babies or trying with my husband. That I was going to stop thinking about it and worrying about it. I was going to make an effort not to look for signs of ovulation and to not keep track of what cycle day I am on.
Ever since then I have been feeling really positive and upbeat about everything. I have my joy back. Seeing kids and babies does not send me into a spiral of sadness and depression.