Sunday, September 21, 2014

CD1 of Cycle 39

AF arrived this morning when I woke up. I tested yesterday FMU and it was negative. I used one of the clinical guard tests I ordered. According to the manufacturer the sensitivity is 25miU which is the same as the Walmart 88cent test.

I did the qtip test later that day and saw brown cm. I also had some spotting in the afternoon and thought it would start yesterday evening. This cycle was crazy and I am so glad it is finally over. 
I have done another complete supplement overhaul so hopefully this will be the cycle we will get our Rainbow Baby. 

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Another Negative 11DPO

I ended up testing again yesterday afternoon. I did a 6 hour hold and tested with the 88 cent tests from Walmart. It was totally negative. A few hours later I felt a sharp stabbing sensation in my uterus area. I am still really tired and seem to be constantly hungry. 
I ordered some more tests from Amazon, since I used all my pregnancy & OPK tests this cycle. They should be getting here today. I bought the Clinical Guard brand, the pregnancy tests are listed as 25mIU. Hopefully they are ok.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Tested Yesterday 10 DPO

I tested yesterday morning with FMU, which ended up being negative. 

I was feeling really bad yesterday too. I was so nauseous all day and nearly threw up after I first woke up. I was having to burp like crazy and just felt awful. I felt exactly like I did when I was pregnant, which was exciting thinking I might actually be pregnant. I am not nauseous at all today :( so my hope is pretty low. I have been really tired today and the last 3 days but I think I always feel that way the second half of the TWW. I am temped to do an afternoon hold and test again today, since some women test better in the afternoon, but I might just wait until 12 or 13 DPO.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Still on cycle 38

This has been a really crazy cycle.I am already on CD55 and its not even over yet. I am hoping it is just from stress. I ended up getting a nearly positive OPK with my last one! the morning of CD 49 so I went and marked CD 48 as positive. I had 3 high temps after that so hopefully I actually ovulated.

I have been really tired mentally and physically the last few days. My breasts have also been sore but my nipples actually really hurt. I should be 6 or 7 dpo today.