Friday, October 17, 2014

DCI aka D-Chiro-Inositol

I finally made the switch to DCI from Myo-Inositol. I had been feeling like my PCOS was getting worse and I had given the Myo-Inositol plenty of time to work if it was going to. 
This handy little chart explains why myo-inositol may not have been working for me. Some women have a hard time converting myo-inositol into d-chiro-inositol. Which would explain why I only had a little improvement, even though I was taking 5.5 grams per day when other women have a drastic improvement in symptoms of PCOS on just 2 grams per day.
 I started taking 600mg DCI per day and 5000IU of Vitamin D per day on September 15th. At first I was a little disappointed since it didn't seem like it was doing anything for me but I ended up ovulating on CD17. On average I had been ovulating on  CD 20 since my last miscarriage, so that is a 3 day improvement. Hopefully that is not a fluke. 

The brand I am taking is Chiral Balance and I am taking 1 pill per day about an hour before I eat with plenty of water.