Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Review of Royal Jelly

This is the brand I was taking this cycle.  
 I have had a hard time finding information on what dose to take so I took 5 tsp per day which equals the 1000mg used in the endometriosis study.  That equals roughly 2 of the large spoons we eat with so I will take 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. At first I tried taking it on an empty stomach which is what is recommended but it tastes pretty gross and was making me naueaus and upsetting my stomach. So I switched to adding it to my greek yogurt. I still upsets my stomach and gives me slight heartburn but much better than it was before. 

I also had my husband take it but the taste was making him gag so he switched to these from Walmart. I made the mistake of biting one open to taste it. The royal jelly itself is supposed to taste bitter so I wanted to make sure it was actually royal jelly. If you taste royal jelly by itself and it tastes sweet then that is not real royal jelly. That pill was literally the most disgusting thing I have ever tasted in my life. 

Neither one of us have noticed any difference in energy, which is what I was really hoping for. But ... I think my ovulation this cycle was stronger. I was sitting in the car waiting while my husband ran into the store real quick and all of a sudden I had a pulsating pain in my left ovary, it was very painful and lasted about 10 minutes. Normally I just have a dull ache leading up to ovulation, which I had on the days after that. That pain was 3 or 4 days before I actually ovulated and 2 days before a positive OPK, so that makes me think my ovary was more active this cycle. 

I ended up stopping the royal jelly once I ovulated and will restart it again if AF arrives. I have a little bit less than half of the jar left. If I use that up and decide I want to continue taking it I will switch to the pill form with royal jelly and propolis. I am hoping that form will not give me heartburn.

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